Counselling That Helps

Make Positive Changes

Helping you Navigate
Separation and Divorce.

New Ways for families - rise up family counselling


Rise Up Counselling is a therapeutic practice specializing in supporting individuals and families experiencing challenges in their parenting time, decision-making responsibilities, separation and divorce proceedings. We engage families with respect, empathy and the intimate knowledge of how to navigate the various systems they may find themselves in.
The fundamental scope of everything we do is to ensure that parents maintain a solid, healthy and nourishing relationship with their children.

We will walk side-by-side, one step at a time with families to reach their goals. Rise Up Counselling is a private practice offering in-person and virtual sessions. We welcome self and professional referrals.

Clinical Services

Support Therapy to individuals, families, parents and co-parents struggling with separation, divorce, parenting time and decision-making responsibilities as well as reunification.

Parenting & Co-parenting Coaching

An individualized approach to parenting & co-parenting support. Supporting children between homes.

Individual & Family Therapy

Therapy to individuals and families affected by trauma, divorce/separation, anger, grief and anxiety.

Providing consultations for separation/divorce

Providing needed support in family law proceedings.

Family Therapy & Reunification Therapy

Designed to heal relationships negatively affected by separation and or divorce.

Legal Consultations

Involving Child Welfare, Voice of the Child Reports, Parenting Plans & Case Consultations

Child Welfare & Risk of Child Welfare

Providing support during family law proceedings to professionals & families involving Child Welfare.

Creating Parenting Plans

Assistance formulating parenting plans for non-court ordered parenting and co-parenting agreements.

Voice of the Child Reports

Sharing the wishes/voice of the child for family law proceedings.

Case Consultations

Assisting in high conflict situations to help move proceedings forward.

One Step at a time

Discover how Rise Up Counselling can help you or your family.


The Benefits Of Working With A Therapist Through Your Divorce With Helen Yack & Gabbi Silverberg

In this week’s episode of Divorcing Well, I chat with Helen Yack and Gabbi Silverberg of Rise Up Counselling about the many benefits of working with a therapist while you go through separation and divorce. Helen and Gabbi discuss how therapy and counselling can help you and your children manage the stress and anxiety of divorce. We also chat about how it can save you money in legal fees to work with a therapist too. Divorce is one of life’s most stressful events so hiring the right professionals to help you be at your best when you make some very important, life altering decisions is invaluable. This episode provides so much helpful information. You won’t want to miss it.

Gabbi Silverberg & Helen Yack: Rise Up Counselling

In this episode, our dynamic social work duo delves into crucial themes surrounding divorce dynamics. Explore the intricacies of introducing new partners to children, navigating the complexities of blending families, and rebuilding trust with your ex-spouse. Dive into discussions about managing egos during this emotional process and gain insights into divorce’s profound impact on children. Discover how every action, word, and decision shapes the lessons kids absorb, offering a compelling exploration into the profound ripple effects of divorce on family dynamics. It’s a conversation filled with practical advice, empathy, and a deep understanding of the intricate dance involved in the art of conscious uncoupling.

This week on the DL: Real Life Spotlight: Children of Divorce

Guess who’s back! This week Alex and Amanda chat with their colleagues, Helen Yack and Gabbi Silverberg from RiseUp Counselling! All four women speak candidly about their personal experiences with Divorce and the impacts on the next gen – spoiler, your kids will be fine! Helen and Gabbi take us inside the minds of children whose parents are going through divorce; how they make sense of their situations, and some dos and don’ts for parents during this time.

Dirty Laundry: The Divorce Podcast

This week A&A discuss the do’s and don’t’s around telling the kids you’re getting a divorce with the brilliant Helen Yack and Gabbi Silverberg of  Rise Up Counselling.

With practical tips like where to tell them, when to tell them and how much to tell them, you don’t want to miss it.


Co-parenting is hard work. One of the toughest hurdles in this journey is letting go of false hope—hope for a seamless relationship that may not align with reality. When faced with the complexities, it’s crucial to approach the situation with clarity. Here are some insights on navigating this path:

1. Embrace Reality: Acknowledge the reality of the situation, however difficult it may be.
2. Assess Objectively: Take a step back to objectively evaluate the current state of the co-parenting relationship.
3. Prioritize Children’s Well-being: Redirect focus from personal desires to the needs of the children. Co-parenting is fundamentally about creating a stable and supportive environment for them.
4. Set Realistic Expectations: Set achievable expectations based on the co-parent’s behaviour and communication style. Establishing boundaries may be necessary for a healthy dynamic.
5. Effective Communication: Open and honest communication is the cornerstone of successful co-parenting. Clearly express expectations and boundaries, while remaining receptive to the co-parent’s perspective.
6. Seek Support: Surround yourself with a supportive network that can provide emotional guidance through the challenges of co-parenting. A therapist can offer invaluable insight and encouragement.
7. Practice Self-Care: Take care of yourself emotionally and physically during this transition.
8. Focus on Control: Direct energy towards what can be controlled—your own actions and reactions. By prioritizing personal growth and positive co-parenting behaviour, a stable environment can be fostered for the children’s benefit.

Navigating co-parenting realities after divorce isn’t easy, but by letting go of false hope and embracing practical strategies, it’s possible to create a supportive environment where children can thrive.

#CoParenting #Divorce #FamilyWellness #riseupcounselling #lifeafterdivorce #falsehope #hopevscapability #divorcesupport #seperationsupport

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In the garden of co-parenting, it’s not just about the flower, but the whole ecosystem . When faced with difficulties, remember: “When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.”

In co-parenting, it’s easy to focus solely on each other’s actions, but true growth comes from nurturing the environment we create together. It’s about fostering communication, understanding, and compromise.

Let’s water our co-parenting garden with patience, empathy, and respect. By tending to the roots of our relationship, we can create a flourishing environment where our children can thrive.

#CoParenting #Growth #FamilyFirst #riseupcounselling #seperation #divorce #lifeafterdivorce #childrenofdivorce #wednesdaywisdom

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Feelings are valid and provide information yet they are not facts. Listen to your body and take an environment scan to truly understand what is driving the emotions. Here are a few benefits to pausing without reacting to your feelings:

👍 living more authentically
👍allows for accountability and less projections onto others
👍allows for the focus to be on modifying your own behaviours, such as implementing self care (ie, sleep, therapy, or movement).

If you are going through a separation or divorce, a huge life changing event, the risks of relying on your emotions to drive decisions making can become overwhelming and risky. Utilize reliable friends, therapist or mentors to assist in navigating this time.

#feelingsnotfacts #socialworker #selfcare #divorcesupport #divorcerecovery #therapy #divorcecoaching

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This picture was taken 10 years ago today. We were on lunch from a training at Children’s Aid Society of Toronto on CPIN (our child welfare friends know the stress this new software caused 😂).

Although we always had a plan for a private practice, we didn’t really know what that would look like. Little did we know 10 years later we would be where we are today.

So, we thought it would be an appropriate time to reintroduce ourselves :). Meet Gabbi (dark hair on the left) and Helen (light hair on the right). We are two Registered Social Workers who began our careers in child welfare in 1999 where we not only grew our professional knowledge and skills, but became close friends who bonded over broken hearts, new babies, toddler tantrums and teenage angst.

We had the vision to open up our own practice one day (we called it the 10-year-plan). But life happened and it became a 20-year plan.

Rise Up Counselling is a therapeutic practice specializing in supporting individuals and families experiencing challenges in their parenting time, decision-making responsibilities, separation and divorce proceedings. We engage families with respect, empathy and the intimate knowledge of how to navigate the various systems they may find themselves in.

The fundamental scope of everything we do is to ensure that parents maintain a solid, healthy and nourishing relationship with their children.

We will walk side-by-side, one step at a time with families to reach their goals. We welcome self and professional referrals.

We would love to hear from you. Please contact us at [email protected] to learn more about what we do!

#parenting #mentalhealth #children #selfcare #love #respect #highconflict #voiceofthechildreports #divorce #separation #childwelfareconsultations

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Grief and joy are not mutually exclusive; they can coexist within us.

Grief in the context of divorce can be profound and multifaceted. It involves mourning the loss of a significant relationship, the dissolution of shared dreams and plans, and the restructuring of one’s identity and future.

Grief encompasses a spectrum of emotions, including not just sadness but also happiness, excitement, and joy in life. We don’t have to choose between grieving and experiencing joy; we’re allowed to live fully, embracing both the pain of loss and the beauty of life.

It’s important to recognize that joy doesn’t erase the pain of grief, and grief doesn’t limit our capacity for joy unless we allow it to. Despite the natural inclination to separate these emotions, we can find hope in both tears and laughter, sometimes needing to consciously guide ourselves toward that balance.

#riseupcounselling #griefandhappinesscancoexist #grief #lifeafterdivorce #happinessafterdivorce #separation #divorce #highconflict

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Navigating divorce is tough. The stress can be overwhelming, affecting your body and mind. That’s why rest is crucial. It helps you recharge physically and emotionally, allowing you to face the challenges with clarity and resilience. Take time to rest, prioritize self-care, and manage stress effectively. Your well-being matters.

#DivorceRecovery #SelfCare #StressManagement #riseupcounselling #therapyhelps #divorcesupport #divorcehealing #lifeafterdivorce #lifeduringdivorce #socialworkersofinstagram

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Mother’s Day is this weekend. Let’s talk about it!

#mothersday #coparenting #riseupcounselling #lifeafterdivorce #childrenofdivorce #highconflict

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Sometimes, people disappoint us. They may not meet our expectations, hurt us unintentionally, or fail to live up to the image we’ve built of them in our minds. It’s natural to feel let down when this happens. Yet, what truly matters is how we respond to these disappointments.

In life, we encounter countless situations where people fall short or make mistakes. But what’s remarkable is our capacity to forgive, understand, and move forward. It’s about acknowledging that nobody is perfect, including ourselves, and embracing the imperfections that make us human.

Rather than dwelling on the disappointment, we can choose to focus on the good that exists within each person and within ourselves. We can find solace in the fact that our worth isn’t defined by others’ actions or behaviours. We have the power to define our own happiness and peace of mind.

So, even when people disappoint us, it’s okay. It’s okay to feel hurt or frustrated, but it’s also okay to let go, forgive, and continue to cherish the relationships that enrich our lives. After all, it’s often through navigating these disappointments that we learn, grow, and deepen our understanding of ourselves and others.

#riseupcounselling #letgo #disappointment #disappointment #socialworkersofinstagram #divorce #seperation #lifeafterdivorce

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Some people may fear that therapists will tell them what to do or dictate their choices. This fear stems from a misconception about therapy. Therapists provide guidance, support, and insights, but the ultimate
decisions are made by the clients.

In therapy, it’s like a waltz - clients lead, therapists follow, but sometimes they both step on each other’s toes! Here’s the rundown:

🎉Client Autonomy: Clients are the captains of their ship; therapists are the overly enthusiastic passengers.
🎉Therapist as Guide: Therapists are like the GPS navigation system - sometimes helpful, sometimes leading you down a winding road to nowhere.
🎉Informed Choices: It’s like choosing toppings at an ice cream parlor, but instead of flavours, it’s life decisions, and the therapist is the person behind the counter discussing your choices.
🎉Collaborative Goal-Setting: It’s a bit like planning a road trip - clients pick the destination, therapists suggest the detours.
🎉Empowerment: Clients are like the superheroes, therapists are the sidekicks handing out capes and masks.
🎉Mutual Respect and Trust: It’s like a trust fall exercise - except instead of falling backward, you’re pouring your heart out, hoping your therapist catches you.

Feel free to reach out to Rise Up Counselling where you will be supported and guided. We make suggestions, but you always make the decisions.

#therapyhelps #riseupcounselling #lifeafterdivorce #highconflict #seperation #divorce #socialworkersofinstagram

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We should take in the good things in life, such as positive thoughts, experiences, and energy, and release any negative thoughts, emotions, or influences.

Let’s focus on cultivating a mindset that welcomes opportunities, growth, and joy, while leaving behind anything that no longer serves us.

#PositiveMindset #PersonalGrowth #positivity #riseupcounselling #lifeafterdivorce #divorce #seperation #socialworkersofinstagram

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“It doesn’t get easier; you get stronger.” 

Challenges and hardships may not necessarily diminish over time, but as individuals, we become more resilient and better equipped to handle them. 

Divorce can be an incredibly challenging and emotionally draining experience, often involving a range of complex emotions such as grief, anger, and sadness. However, as you navigate the process, you may find inner strength you didn’t know you had, develop coping mechanisms, and learn valuable lessons about yourself and your relationships.

#riseupcounselling #peletonquotes #strength #divorce #highconflict #seperation #lifeafterdivorce

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“Let Them” Author: Cassie Phillips

Just Let them.
If they want to choose something or someone over you, LET THEM.
If they want to go weeks without talking to you, LET THEM.
If they are okay with never seeing you, LET THEM.
If they are okay with always putting themselves first, LET THEM.
If they are showing you who they are and not what you perceived them to be, LET THEM.
If they want to follow the crowd, LET THEM.
If they want to judge or misunderstand you, LET THEM.
If they act like they can live without you, LET THEM.
If they want to walk out of your life and leave,
hold the door open, AND LET THEM.
Let them lose you.
You were never theirs, because you were always your own.
So let them.
Let them show you who they truly are, not tell you.
Let them prove how worthy they are of your time.
Let them make the necessary steps to be a part of your life.
Let them earn your forgiveness.
Let them call you to talk about ordinary things.
Let them take you out on a Thursday.
Let them talk about anything and everything just because it’s you they are talking to.
Let them have a safe place in you.
Let them see the heart in you that didn’t harden.
Let them love you.

#letthempoem #lifeafterdivorce #separation #divorce #relationships #coparenting #riseupcounselling

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